我们该如何提高自己的语法能力呢?牛津大学出版社专栏作者,英语教学专业教师 James Openshaw 为大家介绍了一个好方法——先提高自己的 grammar awareness。顾名思义,grammar awareness 就是我们在英语听、说、读、写学习的过程中,能够清晰地认识到自己运用的语法知识,并对自己犯下的语法错误进行纠正。因此,我们可以从英语的听、说、读、写这四个方向进行自主练习,提升自己的 grammar awareness。
首先,我们来做一个小练习,测试一下自己 grammar awareness 的能力。在这篇英语短文中有 10 处错误,试着将它们找出来并改正吧!(可以在本文末尾查看答案哟)
Tokyo is the capital of Japan since over 150 years and, with population of around 37 million people, is now by far the larger city in the world. It is also the most technological advanced, and the city is running like clockwork. The automated subway, for example, is so efficient that it can to transport almost 8 million commuters every day and on the rare occasions which it goes wrong, nobody believes. If you are late to work in Tokyo, you need providing written proof from the train company.
怎么样?找到文章中的错误了吗?如果找错的过程中遇到困难的话,也请不要着急。接下来我们就为大家从听、说、读、写四个方面分别介绍如何提高 grammar awareness。
Listening 听力
50 Things that Made the Modern Economy
主讲历史和经济的节目,每期时长 9 分钟,介绍了 50 个彻底改变现代世界的产品或发明的故事,从犁(plough)到柴油机(diesel engine),从苹果手机到吉列的一次性剃须刀(Gillette’s disposable razor),经济学家兼记者蒂姆·哈福德(Tim Harford)讲述了每项发明背后令人难忘的故事。
Dessert Island Discs
提起 Ted(Technology,Entertainment,Design)大家应该都不会陌生吧?Ted-Ed 以 "值得传播的思想 "(ideas worth spreading)为口号,在网上发布关于各种主题的精彩视频讲座,供大众免费观看。大多数视频都在 10 分钟以内,并配有字幕,非常适合英语学习者学习语法、锻炼听力。
Speaking 口语
通过口语提高 grammar awareness 的最佳方式,就是录制自己的英文演讲。录音时长不需要很长,1 或 2 分钟即可。我们可以围绕一个话题展开演讲,例如:
An experience 一段经历
A future plan 一个未来的计划
An opinion on a topic 对于某个话题的看法
Advice for a friend or relative 给朋友或亲戚的建议
反复重复上述步骤,便可以高效地通过练习口语提高 grammar awareness。同时,我们也可以通过 Practical English Usage 和 Oxford Practice Grammar 这两个语法学习资源来帮助我们纠正口语练习中犯的语法错误。
Reading 阅读
在阅读的过程中,我们可以着重关注几个重要的语法知识,而不是全部的语法知识。例如:多留意句子中的时态和介词,因为它们是经常被用错的语法点。当然,积累大量的阅读经验是通过阅读提高 grammar awareness 的基础。可供选择的英文阅读资源有很多,比如牛津大学出版社的 English File – Grammar Student’s Site 可以帮助我们进行相应的阅读练习。
Writing 写作
英文写作可能是最考验我们语法知识的方式了。通过写作,可以运用自己所学的语法知识,在实践的过程中发现自己的问题并进行改正。那该如何练习写作呢?James Openshaw 为大家提供了几个建议:
Write pieces about an experience, memory or a plan for the future (past tenses, reported speech, future forms).
Write an essay with a viewpoint (passive tenses).
Write an email to a friend or another student (past tenses, reported speech, future forms).
Correct text:
Tokyo has been the capital of Japan for over 150 years and, with a population of around 37 million people, is now by far the largest city in the world. It is also the most technologically advanced, and the city runs like clockwork. The automated subway, for example, is so efficient that it is able to transport almost 8 million commuters every day and on the rare occasions that it goes wrong, nobody believes it. If you are late to work in Tokyo, you need to provide written proof from the train company.
Wrong tense – present perfect (has been)
Wrong preposition – for
Missing article – a (with a population)
Superlative – the largest
Adverb – technologically
Wrong tense – present simple (runs)
Wrong modal – no ‘to’ with can (can / is able to)
Wrong relative pronoun – that
Missing object – it (nobody believe it)
Semi modal – needs to provide
希望通过本文大家能够通过英语听、说、读、写四个板块,提高自己的 grammar awareness。
撰稿 | 逗逗姐姐参考丨https://learningenglishwithoxford.com/2021/10/27/how-to-improve-your-grammar-awareness/
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